The company «Mutlu Gips» is a manufacturer of dry building mixes based on gypsum in Kazakhstan since 2008.

The main activity of the company is the production of dry construction and gypsum mixtures under license. The Mutlu group of products is manufactured in Karaganda. All manufactured products undergo three-level quality control: at the entrance, all mineral and chemical raw materials are checked; during the production process, all technological parameters and recipes are strictly observed; at the exit, the quality of the finished products is monitored. Our factory always uses only environmentally friendly and absolutely safe natural materials, such as gypsum. It is a natural material, does not contain toxic substances and does not emit a smell. The acidity index of gypsum corresponds to the acidity of human skin. It has a high vapor permeability, fire resistance and by its nature is a non-flammable material. These indicators make living in houses built with gypsum comfortable and safe. If we put the issue of environmental safety in the first place, then the choice of building materials will be very important. After all, they will become the basis of the future house, its permanent component. Therefore, it is important for us that our products do not contain harmful substances. All manufactured products undergo strict quality control and checks for compliance with safety and environmental requirements. Therefore, we can say with confidence: the Mutlu Gips plant cares not only about human health, but also about the environment, both during construction and throughout its entire service life. Our prices are among the best in Kazakhstan, so most customers become our permanent partners. We will help you find the best options in each specific case. Our specialists are always ready to organize visits to objects using the «Mutlu Gips» mix. Working with us, you get not only unique and high-quality materials, but also a reliable partner and supplier, which allows you to save money for your company.

The gypsum plant was founded in 2008.
* The plant has a full production cycle, which turns the gypsum stone into the final finished product.
* The daily production volume is 300 tons of finished products.
* The annual production volume is about 80,000 tons of finished products.
* We produce environmentally friendly products.

Official website of the partner